Register of Interest
All governors have sign the following declaration at the start of each academic year, disclosing any interest they might have in any contract to which the school is, or might be, party:
I hereby declare that, other than detailed below, I do not have any interest in any contracts to which the school is a party (other than a contract of employment with the school or the Local Authority.
I also undertake that, in the event of acquiring such an interest in any contract with the school or, if the school should enter, or consider entering into, a contract that would create such an interest, I will declare this interest to the Governing Body as soon as I become aware of such an interest or contract.
If I have a direct or pecuniary interest in that contract within the meaning of the law, I will take no part in any consideration or discussion of the contract, withdraw from any meeting of the Governing Body or committee that discusses the contract (unless I am allowed to remain) and not vote on any question with respect to it.
Governing Body Minutes :
If you would like to look at printed copy of minutes please come into the School Office and appointment will be made with Clerk to Governors for you to look at the Governors File - All Governors Meetings are taking place on Microsoft Teams due to the COVID19 pandemic